Download Bida - Bi-a Phỏm - Bida 8 Bi - ZingPlay APK v10

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How to install Bida - Bi-a Phỏm - Bida 8 Bi - ZingPlay?

Click on the saved APK file Bida - Bi-a Phỏm - Bida 8 Bi - ZingPlay.Since Android does not allow the installation of APKs from Unknown Sources, please do the following:
-> Open the file Bida - Bi-a Phỏm - Bida 8 Bi - ZingPlay .apk, there will be a message like this one:


-> Click Settings (Settings).
-> Click the Turn button (Turn on).
-> Then go back and select the downloaded APK file. Click the Install button.

How to install OBB file?

+ First of all, please download the APK file of Bida - Bi-a Phỏm - Bida 8 Bi - ZingPlay first.
+ Copy the APK file to your device's SD card and Install it. (Don't open it after installing)
+ Next, download the Obb file and copy the * .obb file named '' to the required location:
/ SDCARD / Android / obb / game.bida.vng /
-> The full / absolute path of the obb file will look like this (Remember case sensitive):
If you don't have such a folder, create it manually on your SD card.